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Love, Culture And Other Languages: Differences In Romance Across Europe

There will be different people, different manners, different food and many more. But who knew that geographical differences bring about different twist and turns in the love life? There are some differences between two big and modern place which is Europe and america.

Foreigners on What They Love Most About Dating Americans “Yes, they will buy your dinner and bring you flowers, but most European men.

In general the unpinning rules of the dating game are simple, and tend not to vary too much between each continent. However this does not mean that the dating culture, in specific the American dating culture has to stick to these rules hard and fast. By its very nature dating different women offers different challenges, approaches, social skills and so forth but does dating American women really differ that much from European women?! Generally speaking dating the European way can differ greatly, on the whole it is much more of a slower, sophisticated process.

The traditions of dating are shown more, where rapport is built up over time and there is plenty of room for improvising, originality and an openness to see what it around the corner when dating . However the American culture does suggest its dating scene is a lot more brass, prearranged process that is almost expected from the outset.

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